I18n: multilanguage

// index.ts
import { I18n, Session } from 'degreet-telegram'
import { IContext, IMessage, I18nSession } from 'degreet-telegram/src/types'

const i18n: I18n = new I18n(
  path.resolve(__dirname, 'locales'), // path to locales directory
  ['en'] // locales, must contains with file names (e.g. en - en.yaml)

interface ISession {
  i18n: I18nSession

new Keyboard('under_the_message', true) // use i18n for keyboard layouts
  .btn('cb', 'go_home_btn', 'home').row() // pass yaml text id as text, it will be replaced when you use layout

bot.use(new Session<ISession>().middleware()) // required for using i18n

bot.on('text', I18n.listen('go_home_btn'), console.log) // use for listen i18n text, e.g. when you use under_the_chat keyboard

bot.command('start', async (ctx: IContext): Promise<any> => {
  try {
    await ctx.answer.send(
      ctx.i18n?.get('hello', { name: 'Author' }),
      new Keyboard('under_the_message').useLayout('home_btn')
  } catch (e: any) {

// locales/en.yaml
hello: >
  Hello, ${name}!
go_home_btn: Go home

Last updated