import { Keyboard } from 'degreet-telegram'
import { Payment } from 'degreet-telegram/src/creators'
import { IContext } from 'degreet-telegram/src/types'
bot.command('start', async (ctx: IContext): Promise<any> => {
try {
await ctx.answer.send(
new Payment()
.setTitle('Title') // required
.setDescription('Description') // required
.setToken('Payment token from botFather') // required
.setCurrency('USD') // required
.addItem('First item', 20) // required
.addItem('Second item', 25)
.addDiscount('Discount', 10)
.allowTips(5, [1, 3, 5]) // 1 - max tip amount, 2 - suggested tip amounts
.needUserData(['email']) // email, phone_number, name or shipping_query
.setPhotoUrl(IMAGE_URL), // you can add photo also, but url only
new Keyboard('under_the_message') // optional, if you didn't add keyboard, it will be added automatically with pay button
.btn('pay', ctx.i18n?.get('pay_btn')!).row()
} catch (e: any) {
bot.on('payment_answer', async (ctx: IContext): Promise<any> => {
try {
await ctx.answer.payment(true) // 1 - isSuccess, 2 - error message
} catch (e: any) {
bot.on('successful_payment', async (ctx: IContext): Promise<any> => {
try {
await ctx.answer.send('Thank you for payment!')
} catch (e: any) {
const { Keyboard } = require('degreet-telegram')
const { Payment } = require('degreet-telegram/src/creators')
bot.command('start', async (ctx) => {
try {
await ctx.answer.send(
new Payment()
.setTitle('Title') // required
.setDescription('Description') // required
.setToken('Payment token from botFather') // required
.setCurrency('USD') // required
.addItem('First item', 20) // required
.addItem('Second item', 25)
.addDiscount('Discount', 10)
.allowTips(5, [1, 3, 5]) // 1 - max tip amount, 2 - suggested tip amounts
.needUserData(['email']) // email, phone_number, name or shipping_query
.setPhotoUrl(IMAGE_URL), // you can add photo also, but url only
new Keyboard('under_the_message') // optional, if you didn't add keyboard, it will be added automatically with pay button
.btn('pay', ctx.i18n?.get('pay_btn')).row()
} catch (e) {
bot.on('payment_answer', async (ctx) => {
try {
await ctx.answer.payment(true) // 1 - isSuccess, 2 - error message
} catch (e) {
bot.on('successful_payment', async (ctx) => {
try {
await ctx.answer.send('Thank you for payment!')
} catch (e) {
Last updated