Menu button
You can set/get menu button
Set menu button
You can set menu button using MenuButton class-method or .setMenuButton
answer/api method
MenuButton class-method or .setMenuButton answer/api method take arguments:
Chat id you want to set menu button to. Pass '_current'
to set menu button for current chat
If you want to know what arguments an API method takes, see the IDE hint
In answer method or class-method, you can pass '_current'
as 2nd argument to set menu button for current chat
Get menu button
To get the menu button, use .getMenuButton
answer/api method
.getMenuButton answer method takes argument: chat id you want to get menu button (optional, for all by default). You can pass '_current'
to get menu button in the current chat
If you want to know what arguments an API method takes, see the IDE hint
Last updated