Webhooks and run config

You can run bot using webhooks

Start bot using webhook

You can start a bot using webhooks. If you want to use webhooks in development, we recommend to using ngrok

import { NestGram } from 'nestgram';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';

async function bootstrap(): Promise<void> {
  const bot = new NestGram(
    'TOKEN', // bot token
    AppModule, // app module
    { url: 'https://mywebhook.com/' }, // webhook config
    { runType: 'webhook', logging: true }, // bot run config
  await bot.start();


Webhook config

  url: 'https://mywebhook.com/', // Required. Webhook url. If you want to run webhook locally, use ngrok for it. HTTPS only
  port: 80, // Optional. Webhook port. 80 by default. Supports 443, 80, 88, 8443 only
  secret_token: 'my_secret', // Optional. Webhook secret token

You can read more about webhook config here

Webhook/polling config

When you create the bot (NestGram class) you can pass config as 3rd argument. If you're using webhook to run a bot, your config is https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setwebhook and this config is required (url field). If you're using long polling to run a bot (by default) your config is https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getupdates (config optional)

Run config

You can also pass run config (NestGram options) as 4th argument

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